Fort Worth Child Custody Attorneys
Determining Child Custody in Texas
Our experienced and dedicated family law team takes a personalized approach to every case. When we take your case, our attorneys invest the time to really learn about you and your concerns, your family and their needs.
Handling Child Custody Issues
When two people decide to part ways and get divorced, there are a number of complex legal matters that they may face. One of the most prevalent issues in family law is child custody and visitation rights. There are a number of ways to approach custody matters without taking a toll on you, your spouse, and your children. Our Fort Worth child custody lawyers realize that each case is different, and therefore strive to provide individual support to determine your unique needs and answer your questions and concerns.
Call OWLawyers® at (214) 348-6723 to discuss your case today.
At OWLawyers®, we know just how stressful a divorce can be for all parties, especially when children are involved. We understand that your greatest desire is that your children’s needs and interests are protected, and we work to ensure that the process is handled fairly. Even with that goal in mind, it can be difficult to discuss your needs with your spouse without getting into unnecessary arguments and taking on more stress.
Helping Your Family
During a divorce, there are many issues to take into consideration, especially when there are children and custody issues involved. When you’re facing changes in your family, you need an experienced lawyer on your side.
There are two major types of child custody in Texas:
- Joint conservatorship: both parents share custodial responsibilities
- Sole conservatorship: one parent is custodian, the other will maintain visitation
When deciding child custody, or conservatorship, as it is known in Texas, the court will make the “best interests of the child” a priority. If you have concerns about the outcome of your conservatorship ruling or the creation of your parenting plan, contact us today.
With vast experience practicing law, our team of Forth Worth child custody attorneys and legal staff has assisted many families like yours through the custody and visitation process. You can count on us to do what it takes to help you come to understanding and an agreement. We look forward to hearing from you soon in order to put together a custody agreement and visitation schedule which protects your rights and fits your needs.
The Best Interests of the Child
Parents who are either facing a divorce or a custody dispute are often anxious to determine how often they will get to see their child and what continued role they will get to play in their upbringing. In Texas, conservatorship is chiefly determined by the court’s perception of the “best interests of the child.” Most parents have a basic idea of what “best interests” means, but few realize just how specific and far-reaching of a legal concept can really be.
Are you facing a child custody dispute and are concerned over its outcome? Then it is time to speak with dedicated and knowledgeable counsel. Our Forth worth child custody lawyers at OWLawyers® knows how emotional and contentious child custody issues can be. We have the resources, experience, and insight to aggressively pursue your conservatorship goals and emphatically promote the importance of your presence in your child’s life.
Have questions? Concerns? Contact our firm by calling (214) 348-6723 to speak with a skilled Fort Worth child custody attorney today.
“The Holley Factors”
In Texas, the court uses a comprehensive list of factors when considering the best interests of the child. These factors are sometimes called “the Holley Factors” due to their importance in the notable Holley v. Adams case.
Some of these factors considered in a conservatorship decision include:
- The stability of the environment each parent provides
- The general fitness (capabilities) of each parent
- Any dangers either parent poses to the child
- Which parent is usually responsible for feeding the child
- Which parent is usually responsible for the child’s daily routine
- Potential for continued collaboration between the two parents
- Any parental involvement with the child’s school/education
- Any plans each parent has for the child’s upbringing
- Each parent’s access to support or community programs
- Whether a parent has tried to turn the child against the other
- Whether a parent has tried to omit important, relevant information
- The emotional needs to the child
- The preferences of the child
These are just a few of the many possible factors. The truth is that every family’s situation is unique and while there are guidelines for what the court should consider, there is no limit to what a judge can cite as pertinent to its conservatorship decision. This is why reliable legal counsel is so critical. Our Fort Worth lawyers can help you prepare for any unexpected questioning or accusations during this process and ensure that your contributions to your child’s life are considered essential.
Navigating Your Parenting Plan
Parenting plans have been an essential step of the divorce process for divorcing parents in Texas for several years now. Quite simply, these documents outline for the court how the parents plan on splitting parenting responsibilities and demonstrate an agreement on potentially contentious parenting issues (such as visitation, holidays, etc.). For parents, finding common ground on many of these issues can be difficult, but the Texas courts put significant pressure on most families to complete these plans.
OWLawyers® is prepared to help you navigate the parenting plan process and protect your role in your child’s life throughout every step of the process. Many parents are not only uncertain about how to assert themselves during this process, but are also unprepared for just how thorough these plans need to be before they can be presented to the court for approval. Our skilled and compassionate Fort Worth attorneys can help guide this process and ensure that every detail not only meets the court’s satisfaction, but helps foster the ongoing health of your family.
Understanding the Parenting Plan Process
Once a couple has filed for divorce, the court will set a deadline on when it expects the couple to submit a parenting plan. The days of when the court would rule on child custody matters is over: this now only happens when there is no other option because the parents cannot come to an agreement. Now, the court expects parents to work together and create a custody and visitation plan that speaks to the child’s best interests.
Here are just a few key considerations for every parenting plan:
- Will the child be comfortable/accommodated in both parents’ residences?
- Will the parents have trouble communicating? How should they do it?
- How many parenting decisions can still be collaborative between parents?
- With which parent will the child spend major holidays with?
- What measures can be taken to avoid future conflicts and court intervention?
In some cases where there is conflict, the court will assign a parenting coordinator to work with the parents and their respective lawyers to complete the parenting plan. Even if there is little conflict, however, it is important to have vigilant, knowledgeable counsel by your side as you craft the parenting plan. Our experienced attorneys know how to spot red flags, help avoid and settle conflict, and help establish terms that create long-term security and peace of mind for both you and your child.
Do not face this process without a trusted family law advocate by your side. Use our online form or call (214) 348-6723 to request a confidential consultation today.