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Successful Co-Parenting Part II

Last month I discussed “Successful Co-Parenting – Part I”. The Huffington Post recently discussed what actions need to be taken and issues that need to be addressed for two divorced individuals to co-parent.

1. Set Boundaries – In any relationship, not just with your ex-spouse, boundaries must be established. When there is a high-conflict situation, calmer heads do not always prevail. However, you must set limits on what you will and won’t accept or tolerate in a relationship. Setting these limitations will allow you to gain some control back in your life while also setting an example for your children as to how to deal with others.

2. Talk To Your Children –Texas courts prohibit parents from discussing the litigation with their children. Divorce and the actions that go along with it are very adult issues and children have no place in being involved in those adult disputes. Therefore, it is important to speak with your children about the changes that are going on in their life in relation to the divorce without turning the discussion into a he said/she said dialogue about the other parent.

3. Have Consistency Between Two Homes – Most pediatricians, psychologists and counselors agree that consistency is of upmost importance for a child. Life gets in the way. Competing schedules are present in every household in America. It is important to have open lines of communication with your ex-spouse. Parents must be able to discuss events and schedules in a child’s life and be flexible with each other and adjust when those things change.
