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Improving Economy, Increasing Divorce Rate

Money (or lack thereof) is characteristically at the top of the list when it comes to reasons for a divorce. But in a depressed economy when people cannot afford to maintain two houses, sell their house, or pay the attorneys, divorce rates slow.

Now, along with the improving employment and job markets, it appears that the number of people filing for divorce is also increasing. Alton L. Abramowitz, a New York City divorce lawyer and president of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, attributed the recovery of the economy, particularly the stock market’s robust run.

Security that people will be able to take care of themselves, maintain two households, pay child support, and sell their house (often the main marital asset) can give people the confidence they need to get out of an unhappy or unhealthy marriage. If you are considering divorce or just want more information about the process and your rights, contact an experienced family law attorney for a consultation.
